Production of knitwear products
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Visit of President to Chust Textile
Visit of President to Chust Textile
We passed a social audit!
We passed a social audit!
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Reportage of the "O'zbekiston 24" channel about our factory dated May 12, 2020 (in Uzbek)
Reportage of the "O'zbekiston 24" channel about our factory dated May 12, 2020 (in Uzbek)

Any crisis is a big challenge for business. During a pandemic caused by a coronavirus infection, our factory tries to keep working hard, following all the sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

The state television channel "Oʻzbekiston 24" made a report and praised the work of "Chust Textile" in preserving the export potential of our Republic during the Covid-19 crisis.

Textile Industry Week 2018
Textile Industry Week 2018

This week, our employees attended two important events that started simultaneously, on September 5, 2018, at UzExpoCenter, the UzTextile Expo 2018 and CAITME 2018.

CAITME and TextileExpo Uzbekistan 2018
CAITME and TextileExpo Uzbekistan 2018

Since 5 to 7 September 2018 exhibition pavilions of Uzexpocentre National Exhibition Center will be open for an international exhibition of textile and fashion industry TextileExpo Uzbekistan 2018 and for the 12th Central Asian International Exhibition of Textile Equipment and Technologies - CAITME 2018.

# 35 Bogtepa street, Yakkasaray district, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 100070